Inclusivity in fashion
Lët'z Refashion (8, rue Génistre, L-1623 Luxembourg)

The fashion industry has long been dominated by an exclusive mindset focusing on small sizes.
As we are seeing more curvy models on the catwalks, designers have to step up their game to offer a range of clothes, plus size women can feel comfortable and valued in.
It is people like Andrea and Loïc from Verseau Paris, who make the fashion industry more inclusive. Verseau is a Parisian brand designing beautiful dresses and blouses from sustainable fabrics for women with a plus 44 size.
Lët’z Refashion is supporting the movement for more inclusive fashion and will sell Verseau’s dresses in our shop.
Sign up on eventbrite and meet the owners and designers of Verseau on June 24, 3pm at Lët’z Refashion, check out their dresses and hear about their opinion on inclusive fashion.